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based in Berlin, Germany

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Xaver is a DP based in Berlin, working mainly on commercials and music videos. After graduating with a degree in European Media Studies, he spent a few years shooting for corporate clients while also creating creative concepts for music videos. Not only shooting, but also writing, producing, directing and editing numerous projects on both ends of the industry led to a deep understanding of what creatives push for and what clients want.
Being at home in both worlds - the corporate world and the creative world - has laid the foundation for a cinematographer who is able to adapt to the nature of a given project: some projects need a strong creative voice, others need a DP who is able to work as efficiently as possible to meet the needs of a brand.
Xaver sees the beauty in helping to achieve a project's goal - and how solution-oriented workflows and a responsible use of resources can help nail productions and ultimately lead to outstanding, beautiful images.

Senec - Energie Hero
TK Safe - Wolter Zwillinge
75 Jahre DGB
Adobe - ReImagine France
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